Posts in Wellness
Almond Flour Scones (Paleo/Keto Friendly)

Here with another Sweet Laurel recipe.

When I’m feeling like a treat, I basically go stalk Sweet Laurel to see what healthy alternatives are calling my name. Yesterday, it was these super simple scones and they were 🤤 Their recipes do not disappoint. I made a few adjustments and they were so simple to make. ⁣

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Healthy Dairy-Free Spinach and Artichoke Dip

This is one of my favorite quick, easy, and healthy recipes to put together when we entertain or feel like treating ourselves with a glass of wine at home. Typically, these types of “dips” can be riddled with unhealthy oils, fillers, preservatives, and are often dairy-based. This is a clean paleo/keto-friendly take on a delicious classic.

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Healthy Thai Salad (Paleo/Keto Friendly)

I’ve made this salad at least three times / week since first making it. To die for.

The dressing is game over: a healthy take on the classic tangy peanut sauce + plus so many greens. I’m always looking to expand my repertoire for healthy, quick lunch ideas, and this recipe is just that.

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The Clear Skin Tonic I Drink Daily

This refreshing little number is my clear skin secret weapon — aka a vitamin c and antioxidant powerhouse. As cliche as it may sound, clear skin really does start from within. As someone prone to breakouts, both my skincare routine and clean eating are a must to keep breakouts at bay.

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Blueberry Muffin Smoothie Recipe

As the name states, this collagen and antioxidant-filled smoothie quite literally tastes like a blueberry muffin. I love to kick-off my days with a nutrient-dense smoothie filled with healthy fat, fiber, greens, and protein. This keeps me full through the morning until lunchtime. Thought I would share this recipe as it’s my absolute favorite morning treat.

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Paleo Grain-Free Semi-Tart Lemon Cookies

Wow, what a few weeks it has been. It’s amazing how our collective priorities can shift so quickly — suddenly there is more space to focus on the things that matter. This past week has been stressful, but I am trying my best to take it day by day and focus on quality time with others. My husband and I have been making lots of yummy concoctions, catching up on this season of the bachelor (haha), and connecting with loved ones on FaceTime.

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